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VDU & Safety Spectacles

Let us take the hassle out of safety eyewear for small to medium sized business.

We offer a range of options for corporate eyewear. Our links with INFIELD Safety UK LTD enable us to offer attractive and competitively priced safety and sports prescription wear from £49.50 excluding VAT. A small price to pay to protect you and your employees from potential life changing injury.

Check out the range of frames on www.infield-safety.co.uk.

Safety glasses Kidlington

If you are a keen DIYer fed up with the discomfort of over spectacle protection or worse still  ruining your everyday spectacles let us solve your eye correction  problems.

Larger nationwide companies often prefer to deal with companies that offer nationwide wide services for this reason we also are able and willing to accept both EYE PLAN and EYECARE vouchers.

Spectacles for the office environment

The display screen regulations (1992) set out firms’ responsibilities for employees who are regular users of display screens (VDU terminals).Any employee who uses a screen for more than one hour continuously is entitled to a work funded eye check and in certain circumstances the provision of “VDU” spectacles.

Office spectacles Kidlington

However office glasses are ideal for anyone who works extended periods of time on tasks that require intermediate and near vision. If you are a plumber, carpenter, musician, office worker or computer user Kodak Softwear lenses are for you. They provide a wide reading zone while also giving you adequate distances vision up to 3 metres.

Contact us for more information or to book an eye test