VDU glasses and eye strain
If you spend much of your working day in front of a computer screen, wearing VDU lenses is recommended. Visual Display Unit glasses are finished with an advanced anti-reflection layer that has been proven to eliminate glare and subsequently reduce eye strain.
In addition, quality VDU lenses can enhance contrast and detail by up to 20%, further reducing the strain placed on your eyes during the day.
Under the terms of The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work act 2007, all workers who spend significant periods of time using computer screens are entitled to periodic eye health checks – paid for by their employer. But a large proportion of workers rarely consider the potential impact that eye strain can have on their health and wellbeing.
What are the symptoms of computer eye strain?
The signs and symptoms of computer eye strain are often mistakenly blamed on other factors, such as fatigue, allergies and seasonal illness.
Though symptoms vary significantly from one individual to the next, the most common signs of computer eye strain are:
- General eye discomfort
- Headaches
- Sore, tired or itchy eyes
- Difficulty focusing
- Watery eyes
- Dry eyes
- Blurred or double vision
- Sensitivity to light
Eye strain can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, though in most instances is not considered a serious eye health risk. In most instances, mild to moderate cases of eye strain gradually dissipate at the end of the working day when the eyes are rested.
Reducing VDU eye strain
But for those who spend a disproportionate amount of time in front of computer screens, the impact of eye strain can be more prolonged, unpleasant and potentially problematic. In all instances, steps should be taken to prevent and address issues with eye strain when they occur.
Book regular eye tests
The most important preventative for eye strain is to book an eye test. Your employer is required by law to provide regular eye examinations at their expense. These periodic optometrist consultations are essential for monitoring the health of your eyes and to monitor changes in your vision.
During your examination, it is essential to be as accurate as possible about how much time you spend working at a computer. This will allow your optician to provide the best expert advice and keep any eye strain under control.
Wear VDU glasses
Many sufferers of eye strain due to computer workstations report an immediate improvement with the use of VDU glasses. The specially designed lenses are engineered specifically to reduce eye strain and to make working in front of a computer screen more comfortable.
VDU glasses are affordable and also come recommended by most leading optometrists. The more time you spend working on a computer each day, the more likely you are to benefit from wearing VDU glasses.
Rest your eyes frequently
One of the easiest and most important ways to keep your eyes healthy is to take regular breaks from your computer screen. Recommendations vary, but it is generally advisable to take your eyes off the screen for 30-60 seconds at least every half an hour.
If possible, look out of a nearby window and focus your eyes on a distant object. This long-distance focusing relaxes the eye muscles, reducing the likelihood of your eyes suffering from fatigue.
Consider supplementary lighting
A poorly lit working environment can enhance the glare from a computer unit. Therefore, if the ambient lighting in your workspace is less than ideal, it may be beneficial to consider supplementary lighting sources.
The artificial lighting favoured by contemporary office spaces can be another source of eye strain. Wearing quality VDU glasses can help to combat the glare caused by this supplementary issue.
Upgrade your display
It is the responsibility of your employer to ensure that you have a suitably modern and functional display to work from. Any performance issues with your monitor could be having a detrimental impact on the health of your eyes and wellbeing.
Avoid displays that are blurry, screens that flicker and monitors that are difficult to achieve a comfortable level of brightness/contrast with. If you have any concerns regarding the quality of the hardware, look to get the problem resolved as soon as possible.